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How To Use Kegworks on a Mac

Kegworks is a clever open source tool that allows you to run Windows apps and games for free on a Mac.

It’s designed to create Wine-wrapped ports of Windows software on macOS, allowing you to run Windows applications without the need for a full Windows installation.

Although there are definitely easier ways to run Windows programs on a Mac, Kegworks is free to use as it is completely open source.

It’s a particularly popular choice for gamers that want a free way to play Windows only Steam games on a Mac.

It’s also a free way to use or play 32 bit apps on a Mac.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use Kegworks on a Mac to play Windows only games on your Mac from the Steam platform.

What is Kegworks?

Kegworks is an application that simplifies running Windows software on a Mac using the open source project Wine.

It’s actually been developed to replace Wineskin, which is designed to create Wine-wrapped ports of Windows applications, including games and productivity software.

There are other commercial apps that do this such as the excellent Crossover (which is much easier to use and more advanced) but Kegworks is free.

Advantages of Kegworks:

  • Easier App Porting – Provides a graphical interface to wrap Windows applications for macOS.
  • Gaming Support – Supports Steam and other game launchers with options like DXVK (DirectX to Vulkan) and D3DMetal (DirectX to Metal).
  • Custom Wine Builds – Allows users to use different Wine versions for compatibility with various apps.
  • macOS Integration – Runs Windows programs as standalone macOS apps without needing a full Windows installation.

Kegworks is particularly useful for Mac users wanting to run Windows games or software without using virtual machines like Parallels or Boot Camp.

Disadvantages of Kegworks:

  • Can Be Hit And Miss – Some Windows apps/games may not work properly.
  • Setup Can Be Tricky – Requires manual configuration using Terminal which isn’t easy for beginners. However, once installed you don’t need to use Terminal again.
  • Limited DirectX 12 Support – D3DMetal helps, but it’s still experimental.
  • Performance Varies – Some apps run slower compared to native Windows or virtualization.
  • Potential Bugs & Crashes – As with any Wine-based solution, stability depends on the app.

How To Use Kegworks on a Mac

Before you install Kegworks, you’ll need to make sure you have the following:

  • A Mac running macOS 10.15.4 or later. If not, you’ll need to update your Mac.
  • Your Mac must be connected to the internet.
  • Basic familiarity with macOS terminal commands.

Kegworks can be installed using package managers like Homebrew or MacPorts.

Using Homebrew:

  1. Open Terminal on your Mac.
  2. Update Homebrew by typing: brew update
  3. Uninstall any existing versions of Wineskin by typing: brew uninstall --force --zap wineskin
  4. Install Kegworks: brew install --cask --no-quarantine gcenx/wine/kegworks

Using MacPorts:

  1. Open the Terminal application.
  2. Update MacPorts by typing: sudo port selfupdate
  3. Install Kegworks: sudo port install kegworks

Step 2: Create a New Wrapper for Steam

  1. Launch Kegworks on your Mac.
  2. Click on “Create New Wrapper.”
  3. Name the wrapper (e.g., “Steam”).
  4. Kegworks will set up the wrapper environment.

Step 3: Install Steam Within the Wrapper

  1. After the wrapper is created, click “View Wrapper in Finder.”
  2. Right-click the wrapper and select “Show Package Contents.”
  3. Navigate to drive_c > Program Files.
  4. Download the Steam installer (SteamSetup.exe) from the official Steam website.
  5. Place the SteamSetup.exe file into the Program Files directory.
  6. Close the Finder window.

Step 4: Run the Steam Installer

  1. In Kegworks, select the Steam wrapper.
  2. Click “Advanced” and then “Tools.”
  3. Choose “Winetricks.”
  4. In Winetricks, select “Install an application.”
  5. Browse to the SteamSetup.exe file and proceed with the installation.

Step 5: Launch Steam

  1. After installation, return to Kegworks.
  2. Select the Steam wrapper and click “Run.”
  3. Steam should launch, allowing you to log in and access your game library.

Problems Using Kegworks on a Mac

Kegworks is still under development and can be tricky to setup. It’s not uncommon to run into problems but here’s a few fixes for common Kegworks issues I encountered:

  • If Steam doesn’t start and displays an error about steamwebhelper, it may be due to compatibility issues with certain wrapper versions. Sometimes you may need for an updated wrapper or change to different one.
  • For games requiring DirectX, Kegworks supports various renderers:
    • WineD3D (default): Supports DirectX 11 and below.
    • VKD3D: Limited DirectX 12 support.
    • D9VK and DXVK: Available via Winetricks for DirectX 9, 10, and 11 via Vulkan.
    • D3DMetal: Supports 64-bit DirectX 11 and 12 via Metal.

As I say, it’s not easy to get Kegworks working smoothly and it’s much easier to use a commercial project like Crossover or a slightly easier open source alternative like Whisky.

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